No matter how meticulous our skincare routine may be, our skin will be effected from the environment and the natural regression of our internal system. Although there are plenty of fractional rejuvenation modalities, some of these treatments may only be able to address one to two of your concerns. Fractora, in contrast, can treat multiple skin concerns in one. It improves wrinkles and fine lines, discolouration, and skin complexion just in one session. The superiority of Fractora lies in its ability to enhance our skin appearance using only one equipment.


How it works

Fractora by InMode is the most evolved fractional RF (radio-frequency) device that offers rejuvenation of the skin through ablation, as it dramatically improves its tone and texture resulting in a more radiant, youthful appearance. It utilizes bipolar RF technology that delivers RF energy in a controlled manner to the skin through an arrangement of pin electrodes.  This energy can penetrate from 100 microns up to 1mm deep into the skin offering a customized fractional therapy with non- to minimally ablative effects. Then, those pins generate gentle heat and small micro-lesion dots restricted only in the subcutaneous tissues of the target area. In those zones of ablation, coagulation and heating, there is a promotion of collagen production and remodeling while the spared from treatment areas allow the skin to heal faster, minimizing the recovery time. Unlike other ablative skin resurfacing devices, Fractora provides a deep treatment result and the maximum improvement in the skin appearance with minimal tissue damage.


Where can it be applied?

Fractora is the ideal treatment for multiple skin concerns. It can be performed within areas with fine lines, deep wrinkles, and acne scarring to successfully improve any discolouration while enhance the complexion effectively. Fractora is frequently used to address issues of the eyelids, forehead, cheeks, mouth and neck, whereas it is also suitable for body parts that demonstrate discolorations and scars.


How many sessions will I need?

Depending on your skin condition, desired results and your expectations, the treatment protocol is customized for each patient. Roughly, the average sessions required are between 3-6 treatments to attain the best results.


Is it painful?

It is a safe, almost painless process. During the treatment, you will experience a warm sensation.


What should I do after treatment?

The treatment provider will apply a moisturizer on the treated area and client should avoid the sun exposure as much as possible during the recovery period. Experienced medical aestheticians and practitioners recommend also the daily use of a high SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen.

What is the downtime?

There is a minimal downtime, but client may apply makeup a three of days after the treatment. Moreover, depending on the treatment protocol, micro lesions for some days after treatment are common and slight redness is expected for no longer than a week.

When will I see results?

We see noticeable results right after treatment. Typically, however, it takes a couple of weeks for the most remarkable results. Bear in mind that there is an ongoing improvement that peaks three months after the initial sessions.


Can it be used with other therapies?

Fractora can be used either in the same day or several days after other treatments, depending on the nature of the interventions. It can also be applied in combination with supplementary energy therapies or injectables for maximum effects.


Before and After

*Results may vary