Every woman and man desires a beautifully sculpted and shaped body regardless of age. Although healthy eating and regular exercise are an integral part of our busy everyday life for many of us, local fat and persistent cellulite alter our image and make us feel uncomfortable with our body. Sweat no more. BodyFx by InMode will help you regain your lost confidence, without surgeries and downtime.

What BodyFx is

BodyFX is an innovative, long-lasting, non-surgical treatment for the reduction of the jarring cellulite and the enhancement of our body contour. BodyFX reshapes our silhouette, likewise liposuction, but in a non-invasive manner. It is the ideal solution for the elimination of our mummy tummy, love handles, muffin top and any other body part with stubborn local fat. The device combines three different clinically effective modalities:

  • Electroporation High Voltage “HV” Pulse that destroys permanently the fat cells.
  • Radio-Frequency (RF) energy that generates optimal heating resulting in skin tightening and body contouring.
  • Negative pressure that allows maximal depth treatment.

How it works

The RF energy in a series of pulses at 1 million cycles per second delivers heat to the skin and the subcutaneous fat, leading to the heating and contraction of the tissues.  RF energy tightens the skin while the high voltage pulses permanently damage the membrane of the fat cells resulting in an increased flow of ions and organic molecules. These changes in the composition inside the cell cause changes in the intracellular pH and, inevitably, the cell death. Thus, the interaction between the negative pressure and controlled energy leads to the drastic reduction in the fat of the target area and a perfectly sculptured body.

Is it safe?

As BodyFX is able to target only the fat of the treated area, and not our skin and underlying tissues, it is considered a totally safe procedure without causing any damage to the adjacent structures. For maximum comfort, the skin’s temperature is monitored throughout the process with accurate feedback, providing ultimate temperature control.


What to expect during the procedure?

BodyFX is a painless, non-invasive, comfortable process that is performed in an outpatient setting by experienced medical aestheticians and practitioners without any anaesthesia required. During the session, we experience a gentle warm and pulling sensation on our skin as the RF and vacuum work to shape our body.


How many sessions will I need?

For maximized results, weekly treatments over an eight week period is recommended. After the first few sessions, we see remarkable results with smoother and softer skin and a more contoured silhouette. It is advisable, in order to help eliminate faster the fat cells out of our body, to refrain from eating a couple of hours before and after each session, and drink plenty of water on the day of our appointment.


Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime. BodyFx is usually a lunchtime procedure. We may experience some redness and warmth in the treated area which dissipates within few hours. This warmth is similar to the feeling after a deep tissue massage and does not prevent us from our daily activities.


Before and After

body fx before and after

*Results may vary